Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Try recall

[Try recall]


China's Role in Africa    
ISRAEL - The German Colony ?        

See for yourself


project gutenberg online Une semaine de bontè - Max Ernst

Old websits

home of floating city







Yo! Oprah and JZ n Puffy .
Check out
China's Role in Africa    
2012 doomsday!
Oh! Now its 2013 what next 2014 whatever the beat goes on.
Some shrilly call for or are waiting for a collapsing world
"circling the drain" All infrastructure needs lots of work not
lip crevice but sober & succinct examination of the visible world.
Now That's Good TV!
A clear unvarnished view of the real world ?! 
I Watched "Inspector America," Best show on tv ever.
If only this guy was running for President.
He really explains where and how things have gone wrong 
(It ain't rocket surgery) I knew things were bad, but we
need the solutions he found to be applied on a national
scale where practical.
He shows how the United States were interdependent and have
broken down and could work with each other with a synergy if
we wanted to...
Some may say Now That's Good TV !
a clear unvarnished view of the real world
I Watched "Inspector America," Best show on tv ever.
If only this guy was running for President .
He really explains where and how things have gone wrong 
(It ain't rocket surgery) I knew things were bad, but we need
the solutions he found on a national scale .
He shows how the United States were interdependent and have
broken down and could work with each other with a synergy if
we wanted to...
L wrote:
To: cm3 Subject: Inspector America TV SHOW
Date: Apr 4, 2012 8:32 AM
Above link is to "Inspector America," the show who's title we were trying
to remember. I searched around and didn't find what happened to it!
I went to the show's website, too. No indication of it's status!
CP wrote:
They can record any conference you may have should you require (?)
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China's Role in Africa    


How middle class African American males were catapulted to Gangsta Stardom For the Amusement of America and the world.

Droppin' Science: Critical Essays on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture
and expressive behavior that the black American proletariat has preserved a
large part of [its] .... were one of the first to cross over into the white middle-class
mainstream. .... Kingston, and the food on which all of reggae superstardom was
fed. ..... ment in rap reinforces the macho tendency in African American male
http://www.temple.edu/tempress/chapters/996_ch1.pdf -

Say Hello to My Little Friend: De Palma's Scarface, Cinema ...
http://www.etd.ohiolink.edu/send-pdf.cgi/Prince%20Rob.pdf?bgsu1256860175 -

Caricatures,Race Films,Stereotypes
Black women are raised to be SBW in the most exemplary fashion possible, and
.... By the mid 19th century, coon and possum songs were a regular part of the ....
and the terribly oppressive social world that African Americans had to cope with.
..... she was catapulted to B-stardom in a succession of made to measure roles ...
http://www.nubiansioux.tripod.com/stereotypes/index.blog?start=1204764312 -

RESHAPING AMERICA Society and Institutions 1945-1960
The decade and a half after World War II was important not only for .....
and lower-middle-class parents in the study were remarkably successful in guiding their children ...... tique" in 1963 catapulted her to fame and solidified the image of the. 1950s as a ...... Although organized black women, union women, and women in
the ...
http://www.kb.osu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1811/6295/?sequence=1 -

A PDF combined with PDFMergeX
success, refused to cancel or alter his routine and proceeded to amuse his ....
their definitions of politics and resistance to include black working-class cultural
..... As America plunged into Depression in the 1930s, the theatrical world in
general, ..... more attuned to the artistic tastes…of Harlem's middle class, that they
were ...

Icons of African American Protest
ICONS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN PROTEST Recent Titles in Greenwood Icons ... Due to societal expectations and traditions, most of the well-known activists were male. ... Did not the first immigrants help America take its first steps upon the ..... Unlike the middle-class giants of the NAACP and SCLC, she talked to the locals ...
http://www.scribd.com/doc/63330294/Icons-of-African-American-Protest -

Class Struggle and This Thing 'The Middle East'
Black, The Guardian, 23 January 2011), vindicates everything we have said in
this piece. ... plethora of borders going up all over the world are also indicative of
a drive to ...... Gangs such as the Crips and Bloods from Los Angeles, the
Gangsta ...... from White America” on the grounds that “the Black male is nearly at
the point ....


Odd Film Directors Odd Films Blog - Part 2
May 27, 2011 ... Black Book (2006) – Over 20 years after he departed for Hollywood, ...
Characters frequently change sides, plague-infected dogs are catapulted into a
courtyard, and ... at the box office, and it catapulted Stone to overnight
superstardom. ... feature male actors who are uncommonly handsome (Matt
Damon, ...
Guidelines 1992
African-American Males in Rap and Hip-Hop Culture . ... performance, and
influence of earlier music of African-Americans has played an ..... class blacks
in New York City were the absolute dumbest young kids you could find ......
those whose singing skills catapulted her to stardom and did the same for gospel music itself.

"Cake walk" Coentellpro
How middle class African American males were catapulted to Gangsta Stardom For the Amusement of America and the world.

Dr Robert Gallo                

While you dance...

The last circle the octupus            

Search results forAdmiral Byrd's Expedition                 

ISRAEL - The German Colony ?        
ISRAEL - The German Colony   
Uploaded by SilverRedIndigo on Mar 5, 2011
At first hearing, the contention that the Zionism of Israel is not that of
 the Hebrew Prophets, but that of the hegemonic German national anthem and
that the State of Israel is under the control of anti-Semitic European
interests sound strange.
As the evidence is examined, however, it becomes increasingly clear that
 that is precisely the case.

Important Information Templers (religious believers)

German Colony, Haifa
"In 1937, 34% of the Templers were card-carrying members of the Nazi party.
On Coronation Day in 1937, all the Templer colonies flew the swastika flag.
At the start of World War II colonists with German citizenship were rounded
up by the British and sent, together with Italian and Hungarian enemy
aliens, to internment camps in Waldheim and Bethlehem of Galilee.
661 Templers were deported to Australia via Egypt on July 31, 1941,
leaving 345 in Palestine."

German National Anthem
The national anthem is "Deutschlandlied", formerly
(before some of the lyrics were excised) called
"Deutschland über Alles." The music, but not the
words, are by Haydn, in a song called
"the Austrian Song", "the Austrian Hymn", or
"the Austrian Imperial Anthem". There is at least
two religious hymns, and probably more, that have
used the same music Glorious Things of Thee are
Glorious things of thee are spoken,*Zion*, city of our God;
He, Whose Word cannot be broken,Formed thee for His own abode.
On the Rock of Ages founded,What can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded,Thou mayst smile at all
thy foes.


It is also very important to understand that the largest
single ethnic group in the United States is *German*. .

Zionism and Herzl: The Antisemitic Side of Zionism

Also search: German colony Jerusalem. These same Templers started
 a German colony, not a quarter, but a full-on colony, in Jerusalem.
Category: News & Politics
Tags: Israel Germany Nazi Zionist German Colony Britain British Mandate
Palestine Templars Knights Templar Templers Vatican das Deutschlandlied
German National Anthem Haifa Lutheran Christian Colonialism Imperialism
ISRAEL - The German Colony   

China's Role in Africa    

Max Ernst The German Artist.
Max Ernst book                     

Info for C
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Toon Boom Animate 2 Composited/Special Effects in Adobe After Effects CS5
Most voices recorded with Blue Yeti Microphone



Uploaded by ChakraXNewgrounds on May 22, 2011
THIS IS A SATIRE. Captain Ig'nant represents the unfortunate hold of negative stereotypes placed upon the black community. I am black, most of the voices are black, and if you pass this off as "racist" and do not attempt to understand the message, you are not doing the issues a favor.

This is meant to make people laugh yes but also point out the flaws in the current image of black America.
This is my animation for my junior thesis at the University of the Arts. And yes I got an 'A', haha, thank you Elliot Cowan.
Whenever a black person even THINKS about acting rationally, or dares to rise above stereotypes, your friendly hood-ass Captain Ignant is there to save the day! From African Americans getting shot for ridiculous reasons, to suburbanite black kids trying to be hood, Captain Ignant is there to keep black people the way they were "supposed" to be: IG'NANT!

Animated in Toon Boom Animate 2 Composited/Special Effects in Adobe After Effects CS5 Most voices recorded with Blue Yeti Microphone Category:Film & Animation Tags:  Captain  Ignant black people nigger nigga hood gangsta rap hip hop lil wayne ghetto fights watermelon  friend chicken african american white hoodass thug funny flash toonboom chakra-x  freestyle gangster  soulja  boy  satire uarts university of the arts License:Standard YouTube License 411 likes, 12 dislikes

Uploader Comments
( ChakraXNewgrounds )
Been thinking a lot about stereotypes and stereotypification of ppl...
with the realization that? sterotypes are ultimately stigmas we make for each other.  Is it necessarily a bad thing to act like a "stereotype"? some people DO simply fit into a certain group, its when we say this applies to EVERYONe that we begin to stereotype.Some ppl act like gangstas not because its cool its just the lives theyve ACTUALLY lead., telling them to act differently would be like taking a vital organ from them.

Harborx 8 months ago
Yes some people legitimately live a gangsta lifestyle, the issue that I have is
that the life style is unnecessary. Hip hop as a style is one thing, that's
someone's style, but the violent, hyper-masculine, apathetic style of your traditional gangsta should be something anyone would *want* to be. Certain neighborhoods may force one to do that, or at least make it hard to do the
opposite, but if that is the case it is  too glorified by all types of media in my opinion.

 ChakraXNewgrounds in reply to Harborx 8 months ago 15

Top Comments
Damn aaron so many views , look at you being popular XD I'll tresure the fact
that I sit right across from u in class hehehehe.

destiny0flife 4 months ago 6 see all

All Comments (199)
 Sign In or Sign Up now to post a comment!  i wonder who shot him...
The kid
mounne13 3 days ago in playlist Uploaded videos  LOL. Good cartoon.

 cjjaxxon 5 days ago
  Lol, smh, I have to laugh at this to keep from cryin', this is a "microcosm"
  of N****'s in "Amerikkka", sad,? but true, you kept it "100" with this video
 3811iberis 6 days ago
loved it!!! It truly exposes the swamp-running nigger mentality for what it is
in a satirical form. However the message is clear, we as a people must rise    above the stereotypes and be the kings and queens we were meant to be!

pandomonium 1 week ago
7uncover 1 week ago
 I like how the white black guy's skin gets darker when Captain Ig'nant shoots   him with his samovision NightscapeProduction 1 week ago i like it! reminds me
of boondocks and that's amazing! what was the original ending?

   TBStudios91 1 month ago in playlist Uploaded videos
    I hated the new ending, he gets killed :(
    McLawlz 1 month ago
    0:08 - 0:40 best part lol :D
    Nigga to another nigga: GO EAT A DICK NIGGA!
    CasperFrisk 1 month ago
Just in case my comment was not understood...
I believe your animation was masterfully delivered and very enlightening.
I applaud the fact that it makes us think. Gotta' go now. There are some white
college students dressed like gangsta rappers staring me down in Starbucks.
I guess I'm not looking black enough to them. I've got to start making my own coffee.

BlackAnimationNet 1 month ago in playlist Uploaded videos
The Hood-ass Tales of Captain Ig'nant (New Ending)     

"The Island President" directed
by Jon Shenk -Cine Politics





Black Teen witness of Trayvon Martin's murder by George Zimmerman              

Uploaded by BlackTalkMedia on Mar 16, 2012
The Orlando Sentinal interviews a teenager who saw what happened in part to Trayvon Martin. He clearly gets the message that the Sanford police is sending to Black youth across the nation. Justice must be served.
Category:   Black Men vs. Niggas - The Reunion         

Pimp theif christian preaches christian values hates his pimp brother

North Carolinan minister says Flordia is not the "South" .

Pulpit of Power Version of Trayvon Martin                     

Some pepole make profit selling bs...

James Manning, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are all insidious in my opinion.
In 2008, I made a video that criticizes a controversial New York City based pastor.
Another member of this growing "birther movement" and self-loathing Black leaders who oppose Barack Obama over some crazy nonsense. Since I grown ...
James Manning Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson work for the government
"Youll niggers are crazy!!"   Stop wearing Hoodies the KKK weares Hoods!
"Obamma never picked cotton"
Understanding the Economics of the Free Negro


The Quintessential American         

Monday, 02 April 2012 upload Login Edit go to the top About WN Contact Feedback  Privacy Policy © 2012 World News Inc., all Rights Reserved
Ex-con Pastor James David Manning This Birther Clown Preaches Idiocy From The Pupils!
"Youllall niggers are crazy!!"   Stop wearing Hoodies the KKK weares Hoods!

Pulpit of Power Version of Trayvon Martin
Loading...2,834 Uploaded by ATLAHWorldwide on Mar 28, 2012

Dr. James David Manning addresses the Trayvon Martin murder. Recorded on 24 March 2012.
Anointed to establish families, churches and businesses, unlike any the world hath seen. Indeed the final product of the land, ATLAH, will boast of being the seat of the world's banking, business, and education centers.
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News & Politics
Tags:Trayvon Martin hoodies George Zimmerman Florida murder race black white Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton
License:Standard YouTube License  55 likes, 16 dislikes
Top Comments

You got the support of this white boy from TN!!!
ambagoli21 4 days ago 4
So.... if he shouldn't like you now claim, why did you state he should earlier?
That makes no sense. You failed to realize that Trayvon's parents have been relentless and tenacious about bringing truth and justice concerning the murder of their son, this is exactly why this story is @ the height it is. So why are you not addressing when caucasoid's "kids" are murdered? Seems like you exposed yourself as a racist!

HandsomeSoulbrother1 in reply to Amyls64 (Show the comment) 4 days ago 3
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 I do was attacked at the Ca. State Fair, I stepped out of the men's room, which
was in the animal shelter, I immediatley grab by my neck with a knife to my throat,
I looked to run: twelve men surrounded me: I point in running. Give me your money!!!
then they took off. These were all black. After 5 more incidents of this I don't
like black people.  I am white. Shut up.

FredStarkey144 3 hours ago the only hoods we should be afraid of a white and have the eyes cut out. we should be able to wear them in the rain or anytime.
theonlyavonne 1 day ago James Manning, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are all insidious in my opinion.

They profit off tragedy. Manning even states, "Love Us or Hate Us. Please Support Us." in his info? block. Fuck religion. This world can be a lot better than it is but GOD knows it's fucking shit right now and the self righteous dogma from multiple groups throughout history fueled this garbage. Not looking forward to the future on this planet especially as a Black person in America but it is an interesting show.
gnerdthe1 1 day ago I usually agree with this man. Especially the Obama situation. I was all for Hermain Cain, and would have voted for him. So when it comes to black man, white man it means nothing to me, color of skin means nothing. Al Sharpton needs to be arrested, he needs to be upseated of his
postition. He is contributing to violence. peole will get killed because of him.
Where was Al Sharpton when 4 blacks killed 2 whites in knoxville? How about the blacks killing british recently. Where is the outcry? ppl?
jesusliveshere1 2 days ago
Keep your hats on, ladies and gentlemen.
Every person has a right to a fair trial,? a defense and judgement by a jury of his peers.~Jurisprudence.

AcePilot101 2 days ago
What happen to burglars wearing ski masks instead of hoodies? paster Manning you really need to sit back and listen to yourself! poeple of all races wear hoodies so to compare hoodies to kkk hoods is just plain ignorant!
know7edge1 2 days ago
I have a better idea, why don't we just stop being black people,lets take off our black skin and our problems are solved or lets focus on stopping racism and not the hoodie!

know7edge1 2 days ago
How is a hoodie a thug look? Especially when it is raining outside? Hoodies are made by non blacks for a specific reason. They don't make hoodies so people can look like a "thug" fmcneillii in reply to MrsGMA213 (Show the comment) 3 days ago It was raining!
fmcneillii in reply to THEWHATSPOPPINSHOW (Show the comment) 3 days ago
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Next »

James Manning, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are all insidious in my opinion

Why Was Trayvon Martin Killed?         

Uploaded by ATLAHWorldwide on Mar 16, 2012
http://www.atlah.org/ The Manning Report
Dr. James David Manning reports on George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin.

Recorded on 15 March 2012.
If you are interested in this video about Trayvon Martin, watch Dr. Manning's new video called

"Stop the Hoodie Madness" -
Anointed to establish families, churches and businesses, unlike any the world hath seen. Indeed the final product of the land, ATLAH, will boast of being the seat of the world's banking, business, and education centers.
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http://www.bit.ly/wP2lQ1 Category:
News & PoliticsTags:  George  Zimmerman Trayvon Martin  Killed 17  28 years old Attorney  Ben Crump

253 likes, 634 dislikes  As Seen On: As Seen On: Godlike Productions -...
see all Video Responses
Congress Stop The Hoodie Sickness 20:04 Congress Stop The Hoodie Sicknessby ATLAHWorldwide5,409 views see all All Comments (3,873) Sign In or Sign Up

Yet she is.. waiting?
My take on what she said was that she's not compelled to accept the Grand Jury's decision..and that is also true.
The thing is.. if it's her that takes this to trial after a recommendation otherwise..
it's going to make the case even that much harder to prove.
Is this really the first time you have ever looked into how our judicial system actually works? Seriously?

PaleHearse in reply to ukantbseryous (Show the comment) 1 minute ago
I have a feeling we won't have to wait that long. Angela Corey, the Florida Special Prosecutor assigned to the matter has already given notice that she is neither compelled to wait on a grand jury nor may wait on it convening before making her own decision on whether or not to indict GZ.
Your implying that because GZ hasn't been charged yet somehow indicates he won't be is hogwash.

ukantbseryous in reply to PaleHearse (Show the comment) 5 minutes ago
What is your point. You see lies and deceit as a positive thing?
Point, not drawn out discussion...
Assault Weapon Channel in reply to PaleHearse (Show the comment) 13 minutes ago What I'm saying is that I could "brain wash" you right now by simply stating a few truths and listing policies to correct the problems in 4 years. It would also be easy to raise an army of people to go along. Give this another decade to fester and couple it with economic collapse.. and we may just start implementing them.
It would start by simply putting welfare recipients to work.

PaleHearse in reply to AssaultWeaponChannel (Show the comment) 20 minutes ago  It's been a month.. in 8 more days.. the Grand Jury will meet and look things over.
What more can anyone say but that.
If you would care to read the Florida statute on Justifiable Homicide .. and imagine how difficult it's going to be to prove that Zimmerman doesn't benefit from it.. that will give you a leg up on how this is going to go down.

The feds have been looking this over for 3 weeks now and nothing. That.. says a mouthful. But again.. we'll see what happens in 8 days.
PaleHearse in reply to ukantbseryous (Show the comment) 24 minutes ago
Arrest anti-white race pimps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

CHILDSUPPORTNOY 36 minutes ago
James Manning Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson work for the government
Dr. James David Manning Simulcast with Ted Hayes             

The Quintessential American         

Uploaded by ATLAHWorldwide on Oct 3, 2011
Hon. James David Manning, PhD explains why he is the Quintessential American. Recorded on 30 September 2011.
Go to
http://www.//atlah.org for more information.
11 likes, 6 dislikes

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The Quintessential Bragger.The Quintessential Narcissist. I'm not surprised he went to prison.
He is not a "house nigger" he's an arrogant fool.

kidcanman 5 months ago
Great shame should come upon a "pastor" who uses his pulpit to magnify himself.
The pulpit of the church is intended to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ.
gonetoworkbbackin5mi 6 months ago
It's impossible to respond to someone who can't string two words together. Those who can't read --have someone read it to you. Proverbs 6: 16-19. "There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers"

gonetoworkbbackin5mi 6 months ago
You must have learned how to spell the same place the Rev. got his 'doctorate'. Sorry, don't work for ACORN, but I would prefer that to being a member of the ATLAH (Always Thinking Like A Hater) cult. Go take your? meds now.
ukantbseryous in reply to fabianstraregy (Show the comment) 6 months ago
At least that sounds a little better than what he used to say, which is that he came upon 2 angels playing chess in the park, one named 'Totally Good Joseph' who told him to preach, but apparently someone told him he sounded even crazier than he does now.
ukantbseryous in reply to gonetoworkbbackin5mi (Show the comment) 6 months ago I guess the Rev. thinks that if he uses a multisyllabic word to describe himself it should somehow impress. Kind of like putting the title 'Dr.' before his name as if he really earned a PhD. from anywhere other than his own unaccredited seminary. You are indeed the quintessential Tom.

ukantbseryous 6 months ago
I am suspicious of any man who says God spoke to him. The Almighty God speaks to us in his Word. Pride has taken control of you, Manning. God hates pride. Should I quote it to you? People who are watching this man brag about himself, be wary. I expect Manning to remove this post and block
me from further posting.

gonetoworkbbackin5mi 6 months ago
Jesse    Jackson    Al    Sharpton plenty of of hate to go around on the you tube
Is the LRA an army or terrorists?         

Get that KONY Breh         

The Shocking Truth                

This Video Will Shock South African people... wmv          

The Shocking Truth                

Uploaded by hartoz on Jul 3, 2008
The Shocking truth about one of the most impoverished nations on earth.
Please pass this movie on to others.

Category:People & Blogs Tags: Dictator   Election    Executions   Fascist  
Mansion Mugabe   Nazi    Zimbabwe    Zim    Adolf   Hitler   black    power
racist Zanu  PF  scum    assassinate   murderer   human   rights
Torture   disturbing   graphic   bodies    politics    africa   freedom
License:Standard YouTube License 334 likes, 62 dislikes
Uploader Comments ( hartoz )
this video is rubbish! show me a president that lives in a rubbish house then??
ya'll will use anything to make mugabe and other africans look bad. this house
was been there before the economy went bad,get informed before u make rubbish
decisions! kmt

kingdomroyalty 3 weeks ago
No president lives in a rubbish house, but then? most presidents dont spend money
sent by international aid organisations to help the people on fancy houses,
private jets, and limousines.

hartoz in reply to kingdomroyalty 2 weeks ago
This man is a despot. Welcome to Africa. It is what it is,and as long as there is
"people" who is slightly Westernized ( 300 years ) you will? have Mugabe's etc.
As a white living in SA i experience discrimination, corruption, theft, jobs for pals,organised contracts for friends worth millions and so forth. Africa is what it is.

realcat777 1 month ago
Africa is "what it is" because the african people continue to allow it to be that way.

hartoz in reply to realcat777 2 weeks ago
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i think that's got more to do with the fact that black people blame white people for everything FuhQ21 in reply to realcat777 (Show the comment) 22 hours ago
I think the ruling black party and it's voters are scared of failure. Why
else would over 40 million black people who has everything going? for them feel
threatened by maybe two million whites so bad that apartheid , many years ago
still gets blamed for all ( which are plenty ) constant blunders, corruption and
poor ethics.

realcat777 1 day ago Amen, brother, amen!
giulia1600ti in reply to longlivegreathungary (Show the comment) 1 week ago
Fuck Mugabe!   Fuck Zimbabwe!   Long live Rhodesia!
longlivegreathungary 1 week ago In principal you are correct, but it has nothing to do with being black or white.

If people see that the only way to get ahead is by corruption, then corruption becomes accepted. The same thing happened in some former soviet? union countries.

hartoz in reply to Wobbinwood (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago
Yes this is partialy true, the English, Dutch, and Spanish did come to Africa by
force of arms, they captured native people and forced them to work as slaves in
plantations, this is unforgiveable, they also brought many good? things as well.
But this is not the point. Zimbabweans seek asylum in the west because they dont
want to be murdered by Mugabe's regime.

I'm not saying the Smith regime was perfect, because it definitely wasnt.
This isnt about race, its about Mugabe & ZPF.
hartoz in reply to wawa1856 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago
The Shocking Truth                

China's Role in Africa      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2GrzexCSH0

Understanding the Economics of the Free Negro          
Uploaded by ATLAHWorldwide on Sep 27, 2011
Hon. James David Manning, PhD speaks about the economic evolution of Negroes. Recorded on 27 September 2011. Go to http://atlah.org/ for more information.  30 likes, 2 dislikes
Top Comments The sledgehammer of truth from Dr. Manning. Listen up. This kind of truth is almost extinct in America.? We don't have much time left.
The systematic destruction of the black race by the government, media and academia is almost complete. These systems are run by all races, blacks are complicit. We must  bring down these corrupt systems for the benefit of all people.

Mattclark2012 6 months ago 6

And many also become black pastors. Cause if there's something that black people are also hooked on, it is Jesus. They see the pastors are the ones living large and  wearing? snazzy suites.

carl1095 6 months ago 4
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As I have aforementioned, I don't think particular observational reflection is in
 any form genetic in as much as it is chronic. Blacks have the proclivity to get into
occupations that cater to areas of entertainment, sports, and? instruction because
speaking, acting, and running, and comforting -more or less are the areas in which
we master. I wish the dialogue would continue as we should investigate why blacks have this mentality and not aim for higher areas of academia

 jtsmithabc 5 months ago
Congratulations congratulations! You're the exception! Is Manning faking??
walt7500 in reply to ShowtimeWeb (Show the comment) 5 months ago
successful ?

PrinceDreLance in reply to ShowtimeWeb (Show the comment) 5 months ago
What has Manning said to "expose" me? He speaks of lazy blacks, jobless blacks, black men who are in jail, black women squirting out kids every 9 months and blacks that cant get a job outside of the service sector... Nothing Manning says thinks about blacks applies to me.

I graduated from HS, college, and hold a Masters currently working on a Doctorate...  A REAL Doctorate. My 1st grade diploma holds more weight then this guys credentials. O! and I've? NEVER been to jail.
ShowtimeWeb in reply to PrinceDreLance (Show the comment) 5 months ago
He is 99.9% accurate in what he's say, fuck all those who disagree...this go's for
the crackers,negros,and of course the dough face Asians whom i literally? despise
with a passion... fuck all of your negative comments, stick it in your asses..

immaculateprince 5 months ago
he knows that...you're nothing but one of those people manning expose all the? time and you sound really dumb calling manning black butt..self hater.

 PrinceDreLance in reply to ShowtimeWeb (Show the comment) 5 months ago in playlist More videos from ATLAHWorldwide Pastor Manning forgot to mention that most professional black men start churces...

PASTOR Manning should know this. I would like to see him drag his PhD into some corporate place and apply as CEO. Theyll laugh at his black butt...? So black people love Gov. jobs and the pulpit. Get it right Manning, you're BLACK too.

ShowtimeWeb 6 months ago
 He had me until he went on a hate Obama rampage. There is a lot of truth in this video.?

 wm4bwbw4wm 6 months ago
 It's? hard to dismiss this fellow. Even with his faults, he at least takes a stand for what he believes. We can't just toss him aside.
Oh, and that was Harold Melvin and the blue notes-Wake Up Everybody....good song. I own a copy.

AtheistSpanker 6 months ago
    tell it manning

Ernst Zundel: Germany is not a cash cow for Israel            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRo-jp6EzJA&feature=related

 Ernst Zundel: Why did Germany turn on the Jews?       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxC1v41waqw&feature=relmfu

China's Role in Africa      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2GrzexCSH0


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